The average house price on NEWPORT CLOSE is £84,515
The most expensive house in the street is 5 NEWPORT CLOSE with an estimated value of £102,675
The cheapest house in the street is 10 NEWPORT CLOSE with an estimated value of £67,432
The house which was most recently sold was 10 NEWPORT CLOSE, this sold on 24 Aug 2021 for £60,000
The postcode for NEWPORT CLOSE is HU3 2NB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
5 NEWPORT CLOSE Terraced , 107 m2 £102,675 £85,000 21 Aug 2020
6 NEWPORT CLOSE Terraced , 87 m2 £88,994 £70,000 25 Oct 2017
9 NEWPORT CLOSE Terraced , 88 m2 £81,644 £60,000 30 Mar 2016
10 NEWPORT CLOSE Terraced , 91 m2 £67,432 £60,000 24 Aug 2021
13 NEWPORT CLOSE Terraced , 88 m2 £92,156 £75,000 15 Jan 2020
14 NEWPORT CLOSE Terraced £86,864 £28,000 14 Feb 2002
15 NEWPORT CLOSE Terraced , 68 m2 £83,883 £67,500 14 Dec 2018
16 NEWPORT CLOSE Terraced , 85 m2 £72,477 £60,000 21 Aug 2020